St. John Lutheran Middle School (6th-8th Grade)
St. John Lutheran Middle School encompasses grades 6, 7, & 8. The goal of our Middle School is to serve as a bridge from the nurturing, self-contained Elementary School to our High School’s rigorous college preparatory program.
Part of preparing our Middle School students for our High School is giving them a schedule that is modeled after the High School’s daily schedule. Middle School students have 8 periods each day (just like High School students). 6 of the Middle School periods are their “core academic” courses:
1. Christian Life Impact
2. Language Arts (English Grammar & Writing)
3. Language Arts (Literature)
4. Social Science
5. Math
6. Science
The other 2 periods of each Middle Schooler’s day are:
1. Physical Education
2. Art/Spanish/Music/Computer (students switch courses every 9 weeks)
Throughout their middle school years, students have the same six teachers for their core academic classes. This consistency helps develop strong student-teacher relationships that extend beyond a single school year. Students benefit tremendously from having teachers who truly know them and can track their progress over multiple years.
During these three years, teachers phase in more and more high-school level expectations each year in an effort to prepare students for the rigors of the college prep program in our High School including honors classes and Advanced Placement courses.
Our Middle School teachers maintain a keen appreciation of the fact that Middle School is a special age and the program must be tailored to their developmental level and interests. Certain annual events such as Middle School Camp (each fall) and class trips (such as the 8th grade trip to Washington, D.C.) are specifically designed to create meaningful experiences for students in this age group. Every month, our middle school students give back to our community by participating in community service projects, many of which are off-campus.