High School
St. John Lutheran High School (9th - 12th Grade)
Although the primary goal of St. John Lutheran High School is to bring students closer to Christ, the academic priority of the high school is to prepare students for success at the college level. Pre-college students benefit from our outstanding, experienced, and caring high school faculty members who incorporate the latest innovations and technology along with “tried and proven” traditional methods. The goal of our high school faculty is to make sure students are exceedingly prepared for even the most challenging college program.
Test scores including SAT, ACT, PSAT, and national achievement data show that St. John Lutheran School students not only meet, but exceed both state and national standards.
St. John student academic distinction awards include Advanced Placement Scholars and National Merit Scholar.
The pass rate for our students taking the Advanced Placement exams is greater than 77%.
95 - 100% of graduating seniors are accepted to 4-year colleges or universities, most with honors placement or scholarships.
Approximately 70% of our high school students earn college credit each year through Advanced Placement and/or Dual Enrollment.
Advanced Placement
Qualified high school students can earn college credit through an Advanced Placement curriculum at St. John Lutheran School. Currently we offer eight AP courses which include AP World History, AP US History, AP U.S. Government, AP Language & Composition, AP Literature, AP Human Geography, AP Biology, AP Art History, AP Studio Art, and AP Calculus.
Dual Enrollment
Qualified high school students can earn college credit at College of Central Florida in the dual enrollment program. Students must meet the eligibility requirements set forth by the enrollment office at CF. Students can begin taking courses during the summer prior to their Junior year. Students are granted early dismissal during their senior year if enrolled in afternoon classes on the CF campus.
St. John is committed to providing the best learning experience possible for all students. To help prepare students for directed learning and post-secondary education, we initiated a "Bring Your Own Device" program. This allows the students guided access to more learning resources, enhances communication and research skills, builds a learning community, and prepares them for their college and career options. In addition, Smart Boards and other technology are utilized to engage students at the High School level.
A comprehensive college guidance program is offered to provide students and parents with updated, accurate information and tools to pursue a successful secondary school career and to reach their postsecondary goals. Intentional individual guidance is provided to ensure each student’s transcript will support his or her college aspirations as well as make the student eligible for Bright Futures and numerous other scholarships.
A traditional 8-period day schedule is followed which allows students to earn up to 8 credits per year during the new school day. Student's meet with the Academic Advisor several times per year to ensure their schedules are developed for individual student success.
Grade Point Average (GPA) is computed by using semester grades. Students are ranked at the end of each semester using cumulative weighted averages. Honors and dual enrollment courses are weighted by one extra quality point per year, while AP courses are weighted by two extra quality points per year.
A minimum of twenty-four credits are required for graduation at St. John. Credits are earned in the following subject areas:
English - 4 credits
Social Studies - 4 credits
Math - 4 credits
Science - 4 credits
Christian Life Impact - 4 credits
Fine Arts - 1 credit
Foreign Language - 2 credits
Physical Ed/Health - 1.5 credits
Electives - 4 credits