Elementary School
St. John Lutheran Elementary (K5 – 5th Grade)
The elementary school program at St. John includes academic classroom instruction, as well as special classes in physical education, art, music, computer, library, Spanish, and weekly chapel services. Our curriculum is correlated with state and national standards and the MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) test is administered three times a year (Fall/Winter/Spring) to all students in elementary school in order to monitor and help improve their academic achievement and growth. Our students meet and exceed state and national averages in all academic areas tested. Students will be studying academic areas including reading (phonics for K5 & first grades), social studies, science, math, spelling, handwriting, English, Christian Life Impact, and Florida History for fourth grade students.
Technology is also a key component of our elementary curriculum. Students attend Computer classes in our Computer Lab. In addition to the computer lab, students have access to a mobile group lab for supervised work in their classroom. Each elementary is equipped with a smart board and additional technology to engage our students.
Special field trips are taken at each grade level that correlate to classroom studies. Annual events are held as a special part of St. John traditions including musical presentations, the Christmas program, Open House, Book Fair, Art Show, Grandparents Day, and many other classroom specific events.