Continuous Enrollment
Throughout our history at St. John Lutheran School the overwhelming majority of students annually re-enroll for the following school year. We love our students and are proud to see such strong retention numbers year after year. In the past, re-enrollment wasn't simple. We moved from paper forms to online re-enrollment a few years ago, but it was still a time consuming process for our families. We now utilize a “Continuous Enrollment” process which simply means, “Once you are an enrolled student at St. John, you are always a student at St. John” until you tell us otherwise. Each spring, we will assume you are planning to send your child(ren) back to St. John for the following school year unless you “opt-out” by March 15th in writing.
Why is it so important for the school to know if I plan on my child(ren) returning to St. John next year?
This information is used by the school to make plans for the upcoming school year. By knowing our projected enrollment early, we are able to more effectively plan and work toward the goals of our continuous school improvement plan.
Why does Continuous Enrollment Matter?
The St. John Lutheran School administrative team engages in a tremendous amount of planning to ensure that we are prepared to fulfill our mission of providing quality Christian education every year. Until St. John families confirm their intention to enroll for the upcoming year, we cannot make solid plans for staffing, programs, materials, curriculum, and facility usage. We take the stewardship of tuition dollars very seriously, and we want to invest tuition revenue wisely so that we can provide the best programs possible for our students.
What is the penalty if I fail to notify the school that I am withdrawing my child(ren) after the established Continuous Enrollment date to “Opt-out”?
Families that notify St. John Lutheran School by March 15th may withdraw without penalty. St. John families that break the Continuous Enrollment requirement by withdrawing their child(ren) after March 15th will be contractually obligated to pay the established non-refundable continuous enrollment fee. While the penalty may seem steep, many schools require a semester or even a year of tuition once a family is enrolled for the following year. Your early commitment to us for your child(ren) to remain at St. John is a tremendous help in our planning and preparation in order to effectively continue the mission of St. John.
If we decide to withdraw our child(ren) from St. John, how should I notify the school?
Please send an email to the school office stating that your student will no longer be enrolled at St. John Lutheran and include the official withdrawal date. Please email: Marie.Tillis@stjohnocala.org and jessica.parks@stjohnocala.org
But what about unique circumstances? I’m planning on keeping my kids at St. John Lutheran School until high school graduation. What if God has other plans for my family?
We have built flexibility into the Continuous Enrollment Contract. So, for major life changes/unique circumstances like moving 25+ miles away from our school, St. John can no longer meet your child’s educational needs, if the school asks your family to leave, or if there is some unforeseen circumstance that our administration approves, there will be no financial penalty.
How do I benefit from Continuous Enrollment?
Simplicity and guaranteed placement for the following school year.
Some years, we have waitlists for several grades. With the goal of increasing enrollment, we see this becoming a trend. By opting into Continuous Enrollment, you will be securing your child’s class placement until their graduation.